St. Petersburg English Language Teachers' Association


On the following pages, you will find  abridged versions of the current as well as previous issues of SPELTA Newsletter featuring SPELTA international conferences proceedings, reports on past events, interviews with world famous ELT professionals and authors, etc.
April 2003


April 2001 April 2000 April 1999 May 1998

of articles and interviews is available
August , 2003

St. Petersburg English Language Teachers' Association Newsletter is published twice a year in April and November. It is distributed free among our approximately 500 members and outside oganisations and individuals who take an interest in our work.

We are glad to receive contributions on any subject related to the aims and activities of the Association or of interest to its members but the Committee reserves the right not to publish either articles or advertisments which it feels run counter to the best interests of the Association and its members.

  • Please consider sending us:
  • Teaching ideas or tips
  • Articles
  • Research or commentary
  • Book reviews (including, but not limited to textbooks)
SPELTA Newsletter reserves the right to edit all manuscripts.

We accept contributions in all forms and formats, but since all material for the Newsletter is word-processed it saves considerable time and effort if they are received already formatted for Word for Windows and saved in .RTF format.

E-mail contributions are welcome. Please put contributions in the body of the e-mail, rather than as a formatted attachment.

We also welcome advertisements, as these help to defray the high costs of printing and mailing the Newsletter.

Members' teaching-related non-commercial small ads are free.

Send your contributions to the editor, Tatiana Ivanova tatiana-szelinger@yandex.ru

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