Information Technology as a Powerful Teacher and Learner Resource

Marina Bovtenko
Novosibirsk State Technical University

Information Technology  (IT) is an integral part of our life, and  step by step it is being incorporated into language learning curriculum. Though the term  «IT» is widely recognized, CALL- computer assisted language learning is more common in language teaching methodology. M. Levy in his well-known book «Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Context and Conceptualization» (1997) holds to the idea that in spite of the latest achievements in technology «CALL» is still the most suitable generic term for it covers all the field concepts: from computer role as a learner’s assistant to its powerful multi-media and networking opportunities.

Success of CALL depends on many factors. Among the most important are availability of equipment and computer programs; educational quality of dedicated language learning software used; teachers’ positive attitude to IT and CALL; their IT skills and CALL methodology competence.

There is a great difference in hardware and software available to educational institutions. Some schools colleges and universities have the latest models of computers, access to the Internet and wide range of dedicated language learning programs; the others are deprived of most of these opportunities. There is also a great difference in teachers’ IT competence: some teachers cannot imagine their work without a computer and the others have no chance to use it even in their everyday life. Nevertheless, more and more schools, teachers and students are getting interested in CALL.

No doubt, with reference to language learning the best solution is to run a dedicated CALL lab equipped by multimedia computers, local and International networking facilities and «library» of programs to meet all students’ needs and create language learning environment for total immerse into the target language.  But it is also possible to share computer labs with teachers of other subjects; moreover, you can offer your students very useful and highly motivating activities even if you have only one computer in your classroom.

It is widely recognized that the most popular and powerful language learning tool is dedicated language learning computer programs (or software).  A great number of language learning programs can be divided into some groups. For example, there are programs for learning GLP or LSP, and in both fields they could be subdivided according to the topic areas and a student’s level. Special programs are designed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills; for teaching pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Programs are also aimed at different age groups and language learning purposes.

The programs differ in technical terms. So called «traditional programs» (designed before 1993) provide you with text, graphics and animation, while  «modern» or «current» multi-media programs allow to use video, high quality sound, voice recording, hypertext and CD-ROM technologies. But if a program belongs to «modern» type, it doesn’t necessarily mean that its educational quality is also high. Nevertheless, technical standard for current language learning programs requires multi-media features.

Computer programs could include a great number of different tasks starting with simple text-based drill and practice programs and finishing with advanced ones covering the content of several textbooks and based on the latest technological achievements. For example, students can read a word list, listen to every word, read the translation if they need it, record their own voice and compare their pronunciation with a native speaker’s not only by means of listening but also with the help of visual aids - different kinds of graph and voice curves; while watching a video (part- or full- screen) it is possible to switch on the captions; students can also record the dialogues and then watch the video sequence and listen to their own voices; special test programs could fully imitate TOEFL or FCE exam tasks, and so on.  One of the greatest advantages of dedicated language learning programs is that they allow students not only to have an unlimited access to the activities and the immediate feedback, but also to control their learning by making a choice of activities, forms and pace of  work.

Though language teaching potential of dedicated language learning software is extremely high and its variety could be compared with a variety of traditional paper materials, it is much less known that other types of computer programs may be successfully used for language learning purposes.

They are applications programs such as word processors, electronic dictionaries, multi-media encyclopedias, e-mail programs, the Internet browsers, computer games, data bases and so on. In other words, full range of programs used for business and leisure could be a valuable language learning tool.

Learner’s computer dictionaries combine language learning opportunities of both paper learner’s dictionaries and computer (electronic) dictionaries. Along with quick search, cross-references, and backtrack options, high quality sound, pictures, and  video, learner’s computer dictionaries include the recording option and  a great number of  interactive exercises. For example, «Longman Interactive English Dictionary” contains six dictionaries and reference books and  «video library»;     «My First Incredible Amazing Dictionary» (Dorling Kindersley) enables us to  listen to both keywords and definitions; besides, every entry contains a funny illustration  with built-in animation; Oxford computer dictionaries include recording feature and variety of  exercises, helping students to enlarge their vocabulary, and so on.

Word processor is another widely recognized language learning tool. It is especially useful for developing writing and editing skills. Computer-based exercises could be easily tailored to written tasks for different courses and levels. Built-in spelling, grammar and style checkers allow students to control their writing process, templates (ready-made samples) of letters, resumes, faxes may be used in business correspondence courses; AutoSummarize option will be helpful for writing academic papers and abstracts. Taking into account that international exams require a certain number of words in written tasks, such option as Word Count is also very  useful.

Compatibility of programs is of great importance. For example, all the materials of «Business Letter Writer» program (OUP) can be copied and pasted into a  word processor and edited. Most computer dictionaries can be used altogether with a word processor, some of them are compatible with language learning programs. For example, if you have Macmillan Heinemann Readers CD-ROMs, you can not only read the text of a book, listen to it  (with or without text or pictures), and do exercises but also check the meaning of any word in electronic Collins COBUILD Student’s Dictionary, record your pronunciation of a word and use special revise option to learn all the words you need.

Authoring programs (exercises, tests and crosswords generators; concordances)  designed to help teachers in development their own computer language learning materials could also be used as an effective language learning tool.

The Internet greatly extends language learning opportunities. Real communication both in written and oral forms with the help of e-mail, chat, conferences; whole range of the authentic materials, supported by sound and video; on-line dictionaries; dedicated language learning Web-sites; information support of students and teachers; distance learning are main advantages of the Internet advent in the language classroom.

The Web-based authentic materials can be used to support any language course with up-to date information on variety of themes and topics both for general language and special language classes  and develop all language skills - reading, listening, writing, reading.  The following sites could be helpful:,,,,,,

A wide range of dictionaries can be found on the Web. You can look up a word in several dictionaries simultaneously using, for example, such Web-sites as,  www.your or going  to  Webster’s, Cambridge or Longman dictionaries sites (,,

A great number of sites contain useful materials and activities both for teachers and learners - on-line exercises, quizzes, tests, grammar reference books, magazines  (for example,,,,,,

Web-sites supporting paper textbooks are becoming more and more popular. For example, every unit of «Britain in close up» (Longman) contains links to corresponding Web-sites;  «Internet English» (OUP) Web-site   ( not only includes necessary links for every unit, but also “Student Keypal  Club”, “Teacher Stuff Room”,  “Other ESL Links”, “Book Order” and “Meet the Author”;   every teacher registered in  («Inside Out», Macmillan Heinemann) could  get free lesson plans on variety of topics connected with current events.

It is obvious, that to exploit IT language learning potential  in full range  teachers should be computer literate. But common misunderstanding about IT baffling complexity is one of the obstacles  to the wide spread of CALL. Indeed, the skills needed for running CALL lab are the skills of a computer programmer, but teachers and students don’t need any programming knowledge. They should only know how to use applications and language learning programs, acquire some typing skills and learn necessary terms to be able to  use target language at CALL-lessons.

CALL methodology is the field teachers’ skills need to be developed in. These skills require special training through in-service and pre-service courses, seminars, and workshops.  They should cover both theoretical and practical aspects of CALL and include such important issues as software evaluation and selection, CALL lessons planning, teaching techniques, project work and task-based activities. CALL methodology courses offered to teachers and Russian major students in Novosibirsk State Technical University are designed to meet these needs. They are supported by fully equipped CALL lab with  «library» of necessary software for learning English, Russian, Russian as a Foreign Language, German, French, Italian, thoroughly planned curriculum and the textbook  «CALL» written for these courses.

The most exciting fact is that since the beginning of CALL, Information Technology has never been such a powerful language learning tool which  opportunities are growing beneath our eyes.  So, nowadays teachers hardly need to be reasoned with importance of IT, but they should be provided with all necessary equipment, software, and CALL methodology training to find out effective ways of making CALL an integral part of language learning curriculum.
